Legal Operations

Legal Operations Made Easy.

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Perfect for B2B SaaS Startups

B2B SaaS startups deal with institutional customers that often have or work with lawyers.  This means contracts are often heavily negotiated, slowing down deal cycle, increasing transaction costs, decreasing executives’ bandwidth, adding unique terms that require different internal stakeholders’ input, and creating operational requirements and document management that you need to track down the line.  

Not only this, but in hyper-growth companies, with new products and features launching, headcount growing, and operational pivots happening all the time, having a functioning and adaptable system for the most important function–closing on revenue–is critical.

Closing deals quickly and smoothly, tracking fulfillment requirements, and developing clear SOPs despite a very dynamic environment, are all reasons that revenue operations (RevOps) and legal operations (LegalOps) have become such a hot focus for, especially, more mature startups with a high volume of repeating tasks, like

Who we are

We are a team of post-BigLaw startup lawyers turned company builders.

With nearly twenty years of combined legal experience over two associates, we’ve seen companies go from formation, through venture financing, through exits, on dozens of occasions.

We left the the big paychecks of BigLaw to build something, like you–and we did it because we are committed to finding a better way for startups to do legal.

What Makes Us Different From Traditional Law Firms

Legal and Ops is a law firm with an orientation to operations, offering both legal and LegalOps services.  This means not only delivering legal services in a way that is consistent with any modern business–price predictable, turnaround time guaranteed–but it also means supporting clients with the operational work that goes around legal.  LegalTech has developed tremendously in the last several years, and so much of the work that happens by and around lawyers should now be done by specialists–both technology and human.  

Bringing experience in strategy and operations at Atrium, a technology-enabled law firm, as well as years of legal operations experience for our customers today, we use best practices in LegalOps to not only deliver your legal product effectively, but also to help you optimize your legal and legal-adjacent workflows, whether those that face your customers (like closing redline negotiations), or those you face internally (like regulatory workflows).

consistent legal execution & systems

Focused on B2B SaaS
Dedicated to exclusively supporting venture-track B2B SaaS means we don’t waste time on research or out-of-market terms.
Oriented to Operations
Our narrow focus means we can develop and iterate on operational playbooks that make repeating legal jobs more time-and cost optimized.
Delivered on Time
Leveraging tech and ops best practices means we bring you fixed pricing for repetitive legal tasks and turnaround time we'll put our money on.

Time & cost effective solutions

Optimizing Sales Cycle
  • Reducing redline volume
  • Reducing negotiation timeline
  • Delegating contract negotiation workstreams away from executives
Improving internal operations
  • Hiring & equity grant flows
  • New products & feature review
  • Working with specialists
Systemizing routine regulatory work
  • Research on market expansion / jurisdictional rules
  • Portfolio company management, investment, etc

How We Can Help You

LegalOps optimization can be applied to both any high-volume or high-frequency legal or legal-adjacent work stream, whether it’s a revenue-facing function (e.g. closing deals faster, and more often) or a cost- or time-saving one (e.g. leveraging more specialized technology, processes, and people).

Whatever you’re thinking about, enjoy a free audit from Legal and Ops to see if we can help with any of the following, or whatever special project you have in mind.

Get started by contacting us today

James at CommandBar called us a human API into legal.  Joe at Office Hours said our experience as attorneys and operators was exactly what they needed for compliance and legal operations issues. 

As lawyers who are also builders, we understand you need risk-weighted, practical advice; and as a small shop, every client experience matters just as much to us as it does to you.

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